Why We Hope You Support Us - Part 2

Continuing our deeper dive into why we hope you support us or some encouragement to do so!

Part 2 - Giving Back.

Here’s the awkward one. If you talk about this too much then it lacks humility. But if you don’t mention it at all then how will customers know where some of that money and effort goes?

Our first day of launch in 2017 saw us donate prizes to War of the Thistles thanks to Zee Yule for including us. The wonders of Facebook skate groups meant he knew what were up to. Roll on 6 years and we’ve donated tons of stuff including cash to all manner of skate events in Scotland including many fundraisers for skate parks.

We sponsor a few folk too. And are about to add someone else. More on that another day.

We big up other local businesses. Food, drink, craft, design, whatever. If you’re not a dick with us then I’ll assume you’re ok and am happy to share!

And without the support of you folks we wouldn’t be in the position to contribute to local charities like Mental Health Aberdeen and CFine. Worth pointing out again that we don’t expect you guys to front the contributions whilst we stand with an oversize cheque. We’ll also chip in cash and goods.

I’m also a fan of crowdfunding type things and happy to chip in. Might do one myself one day!

When we started we did a few skate nights at TX. This has laid dormant for a long time now but next month we’re going to organise something very informal.

Next up on why we hope you support us - Part 3 of 7 Gatekeeping.

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