Why We Hope You Support Us - Part 4

Part 4 of 7 of our series on why we hope you support us.


With Doric I’ve been afforded opportunities that I never thought I would. It’s been humbling, exciting and a little scary.

I’m not the person to put my hand up and “do stuff” - shyness has definitely held me back! But I’ve been lucky with Doric. And so one of our intentions early on was to ensure we work with people to spotlight them and hopefully give them opportunities similar to those I have had.

We’ve worked with easily 30+ local designs and artists. From illustrators to film makers we’re keen to engage with people who engage with us or approach those we like and see if they want to work with us!

It’s quid pro quo - we also get something out of it. And for the vast vast majority it’s been a total pleasure to work with people. And some have become firm friends and long time collaborators.

And so a big thanks to everyone who’ve given me opportunities and made it easier for me. And to those who’ve worked with me on things - I hope it’s been fun and worthwhile!