Christmas Village



With the release of some details about the Christmas market stuff last week there seems to be a misconception in Aberdeen surrounding it. I’ve noticed this on shares of it and comments across every platform and post. Here’s some of my thoughts.

I’ve been selling at a version of them for about 6 years so just like old Pete Beale from Eastenders I know my onions!

First off there’s a difference (to me) between the “Christmas Market” and the “Christmas Village”. 

The Christmas Village is the one most recently found on Broad Street and operated by a contractor- usually Codonas. This consists of rides, hot food, hot drinks and booze to drink then and there. On occasion you’ll find a couple of stalls run by local sellers - candles, jewellery etc - although this is maybe going back a few years.

The Christmas Market can be traditionally found in the Quad at Marischall College. This has been run (in my experience) by Charlie House last year and will be this year but previous to that we’ve been at events run by Look Again (HAAN Market) and Codonas. 

Every year there is a call to locals to get signed up and sell yer stuff. This can range from arts and crafts to bottled food stuffs.

It’s a simple process and is good value for money - again, from my experience.

Running alongside this will be things like Curated Aberdeen - also run by Charlie House and again all proceeds from fees going to their charity. This one is indoors and can be found in the Bon Accord Centre. I’ll be at this one as for me it works best for setting up what I sell. And it’s indoors!

There will also no doubt be others that are independent of this - usually one at the Art Gallery and numerous pubs/organisations will have their own ones. I try my best to share what’s going on even when I’m not involved and will do again this year as and when.

So what’s the takeaway from this?

For the time we’ve been going (7 years) we’ve always been at some Christmas Markets run by various folks, the rates have always been reasonable, we’ve always done well at them, it’s easy to apply generally no matter who’s been organising and they’ve been fine to deal with! 

If ye make stuff then get involved. Add to the atmosphere and help create something,

If yer a local then please do visit these things.

A vibrant city needs these markets - doesn’t matter who organises them. There isn’t just an onus on the public to come and visit/spend money. Organisers need to be on the ball and make sure they do their best to encourage folk to take part - which they do in my opinion.! But there’a also a responsibility on the makers of Aberdeen to take part and make the effort. It's good to see multiple events take place but at times I think it can dilute what could be a bigger, more diverse and accessible affair. Maybe that would help avoid the confusion between what the Christmas Market is and who benefits.

And for now that’s my tuppenceworth on this.!

See ye at the Christmas Market in December. : )