What I've Learned Part 3 of 6

Part 3.

Social Media.

Before I set up Doric Skateboards i set up a Movie related page on Facebook so that I could learn the very basics on how to post, how you respond as the page, how to build an audience etc. If you’re setting up a business page I’d highly recommend doing this.

I also set up my social media pages way before i launched. This gave me the chance to build up some content so that when we went live there was actually things for people to look at straight away.!

Again - I’d recommend that.

Something that people talk a lot about is the “algorithm”. How each app decides what it’s going to show your followers.

Personally I couldn’t give two sh*ts about the algorithm.

Here’s my take:

Not getting the usual “likes” you used to get?

Don’t worry - you can try again tomorrow!

Not getting any/much engagement on your posts - i.e. no comments/shares?

Really take a look at what you are posting. Have folk seen it before? Is it informative? Is it even mildly interesting? Be honest with yourself.

Go back to the drawing board and see what you can come up with. Be creative.

Obviously I sell stuff. But I know that when I put a post up about something for sale it generally won’t do very well. That’s not necessarily the algorithm - it’s just human nature. We don’t like the hard sell.!

So we tend to scroll past them. They aren’t that interesting unless it’s something new for sale perhaps.

Giveaways. Seen as the saviour for all social media accounts everywhere! Share. Like. Comment. I’ve done it. We’ve all done it. But what does it actually get you? People genuinely interested in what you do? I don’t think so.

My advice for what it’s worth.

Be happy with the followers and engagement you get. And make sure you engage back!

Don’t worry about having tens of thousands of followers. Hopefully that can come with some hard work, creating interesting stuff for people to read and share, and with some time and patience.!

Also - be generous to others. If you are hoping for likes, shares, comments - then remember to reciprocate.