Pantones a Cake Right?

Pantones a cake right? This could be as much to do with art/design or running a business or skateboarding.

Our old man was a Painter and Decorator. He was meticulous with it. All about the preparation. Anyone can clart paint on a wall - its the boring stuff like sanding, filling and taping up that separates the pro from the amateur. And of course the time it takes.

When I used to visit folk (nae so keen on that now) and they proudly proclaim they did all the painting themselves to save money and because "painting is easy"in my mind I’m looking around and sometimes thinking “yup, looks like it - love that you painted your light switches and sockets too".

I never mean it in a shitty way - I naturally found myself being defensive about something that my dad worked hard at. And now I suspect the shoe is on the other foot...

I never went to art school. Don't know my Impressionists from my Surrealists or anything else really.

And so I suppose when I bang on and on about screen printing and "designing" then people are entitled to perhaps question the validity of my opinion and work. The provenance.

“Never been to art school Gary?”


“Yeah, - looks/sounds like it pal.”

And who could blame them?

Until recently I thought the Pantone colour chart was a way of grading that awful Italian cake that folk pretend to like…

Side note: the closure of John Lewis in Aberdeen was sad but the upside will be less of us have to throw that Italian cake stuff in the bin every year or pretend to enjoy it.

Anyway. What I'm getting at imposter syndrome. That is:

"Internal experience of believing that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be"

Although to be honest maybe I'm over egging how competent I think other people think I am! Or I'm overthinking everything. But I'm not sure I trust anyone that doesn't have some imposter syndrome. A little bit of doubt is good for you.

But it’s all about making an effort in my opinion.

Whether your painting yer cornices or screen printing a design onto a skateboard - we're only here for a very short time so do what you think makes you happy. Don't wait for permission and don't look for approval. Forget the rules. My preferred method is screen printing - I see people approach it in very different ways to me but get great results. So who am I to question that.

As I say - doubt is good. We live in a world where too many people seem to be suffering the Dunning-Kruger effect - fyi - no, that's not the actress from Inglorious Basterds or a ref to any 80's horror movie.....

We're really only here for a very short time so why waste it worrying about the rules?

#imposter #impostersyndrome #art #design #skateboards #clothing #aberdeen #dunningkruger